TGC lawyer Fred Wynne brought a successful Human Rights complaint for discrimination in a tenancy arising from the failure of a landlord to properly address a mould problem in a residential unit.
In a decision released on August 30, 2022, the Human Rights Tribunal awarded Fred’s client damages for injury to dignity as well as reimbursement of her expenses incurred.
In its decision the Tribunal noted the vulnerability of Fred’s client as follows:
“[The complainant’s] social context made her especially vulnerable to the impacts of the discrimination. As a tenant, she was in a vulnerable position vis a vis her landlord, and reliant on the landlord to make her apartment safe. She was unable to secure alternative subsidized housing, despite her arduous efforts, and did not have the resources to pursue alternative housing at market rates. She had limited resources to cope with the costs of being unable to live in her apartment.”
You can read the full decision here.
TGC lawyers have experience with Human Rights cases. If you are bringing or defending a Human Rights complaint then you should contact us.